Advantages of a Well-Designed Website

Advantages of a Well-Designed Website A well-designed website can be a powerful tool for any business, providing a user-friendly platform to showcase products and services and help build a solid online presence. Not only can a well-designed website help to attract and engage [...]

Advantages of a Well-Designed Website2023-02-01T20:02:48+00:00

Understanding User Intent for CRO and SEO

Understanding User Intent for CRO and SEO Understanding user intent is an essential part of successful SEO and CRO. By understanding the user's intent behind their search query, businesses can create content and campaigns that speak to the user at each step in [...]

Understanding User Intent for CRO and SEO2023-02-01T19:02:11+00:00

8 Reasons You Need Dynamic Payouts in your Affiliate Program

8 Reasons You Need Dynamic Payouts in your Affiliate Program Performance marketing has grown from a 2-billion-dollar market to nearly a 14-billion-dollar market in the span of 5 years, from 2016 to 2022. As the market size increases, so do the challenges. The [...]

8 Reasons You Need Dynamic Payouts in your Affiliate Program2022-04-26T15:51:36+00:00

What is Programmatic Advertising and is it the future?

Spending on programmatic advertising more than doubled worldwide from 2017 to 2021, rising from 68.2 billion to 155 billion in dollars spent. On average, spending has increased 21.75% over the past 4 years. If that average holds true, in 2022 advertising spend should hit [...]

What is Programmatic Advertising and is it the future?2022-04-07T18:19:50+00:00

How to Write Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for SEO

How to Write Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for SEO If you’ve ever doubted the importance of Titles and Meta Descriptions for SEO, go to Google and type anything into the search bar. What you see on the results page is prominently displayed [...]

How to Write Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for SEO2023-03-29T15:36:59+00:00
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